vision and mission
Our vision is to build a Church that expresses the heart of God to the North East and beyond.
Our mission is to reach and transform the lost into fully committed followers of Jesus.
We express our love for God and others through:
Celebration (Exodus 20:3,John 4:23-4, John 9:31, Rev 11:16)
We aim to meet together for Holy Spirit inspired worship and Bible centred teaching and preaching. We aim at seeing every member grow in their relationship with Jesus and become more like him.
Conversion (John 3:7, Acts 2:38, Romans 3:22)
To help people meet Jesus and become his faithful disciples. We aim to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a relevant way with the people of our community and to help them to meet Him and become his faithful disciples.
Community (Acts 2:43-47) To love and care for others.
We aim to build a Church that is loving and caring with particular concern for those in need. We desire to encourage one another in the development and use of the Holy Spirit's gifts and to be interdependent and committed to one another.
Church Planting (Romans 15:20)
To train leaders for both local and overseas churches. We aim to identify and train leaders and potential leaders so that we might impact South Australia with the Gospel. We aim to identify and encourage, equip and support those who are called to church planting and overseas mission.